Aminet 15
Aminet 15 - Nov 1996.iso
Text File
187 lines
Relics Of Deldroneye II
Written by Christopher and Lee Bamber
The Island of Debreen
Relics of Deldroneye II - 'Island of Debreen' is an adventure filled
with a sense of mystery. And such an aura can be shattered forever
by reading the entire solution to a game before even playing it. It is
advised the following solution should be used to help you when your
final effort is a futile one. Anything less than that and you are
denying yourself the rewards that come with completing a game such as
this on your own. However, if you want to see it all, and see it now
then please read on...
You take control of Falcon on the bridge of his new spaceship, and have
narrowly escaped collision with an unknown vessel at the expense of all
your fuel and reserve power. You decide to steal the nessesary power
from the unknown vessel by manouvering your ship to its side and cutting
your way in.
1. Moving the Ship
Use the laserpen on the Power In socket on the console to active the
view screen. Look at the view screen to read the situation. Now use
the laserpen on the Power Out socket to retrieve your valuable power.
Move right to the engine room and open the engine panel. Feed power
from your laserpen into the engine to activate it. Make your way to
the navigation room and open the PIV Door. Feed your last unit of
power from the laserpen into the computer via the Power Input Valve.
Talk to the computer and it will eventually feed some vectors into the
main computer back on the bridge. Before leaving the room, open the
power output valve door and restore the power to your laserpen by taking
it back. Go to the bridge and new vectors will be available, so hit
the button on the console and the ship should move to the calculated
vector, next to the Debreen vessel.
2. Forced Entry
From here on in, you'll need a spacesuit to survive your exploration of
the Debreen craft. Go down the corridor from the junction between the
navigation room and the bridge, and enter the suit-o-matic. You should
now be adorned with metal clothing. Enter the docking bay, press the
Borble and make your way to the docks bay exit. The huge Debreen outer
wall looms to cover the whole entrance to the docking bay. Use the last
unit of power from your laserpen to cut a hole in the weak part of the
wall. Enter the newly created hole and find yourself in a small alcove.
Move to the automatic doors and enter. In this long corridor, and at
the foot of the door you have just emerged is a small green device. Kick
this device to brake it. A small magnet will come loose, which you must
collect. Now continue down the corridor and have a chat with the robot
sitting in the tubing.
3. The Electric Ladder
If you continue to the far left of this corridor and enter the door, you
will find a room with a very tasty ladder. Unfortunately, when you climb
it you will get stunned. Kick the panel below the slot and look inside.
The lever is too far so we need to reach it somehow. Go to the next
room at the end of the next corridor along, and find the corpse of a
dead alien explorer. On its remains are some gloves and a belt. Take
both, and then use the magnet on the belt to form a magnet on a string
style tool. Return to the cracked panel and fish out the lever. Use
this lever on the slot to deactivate the defences of the zone. This
includes the power supply to the ladder!
4. The Turret
Ascending the ladder to the top will reveal that the Debreen craft has
been welded to the hull of an altogether different ship. This new area
is guarded with a trained laser turret, the walls are clearly made of
heat resisting material, where the floor is not and is falling apart.
Try and get to the door, and you'll get zapped and fall to the bottom of
the ladders. Don't worry, the spacesuit is designed for such impacts.
You will find it very difficult to come to harm. Half way up the ladder
you will find an alcove with an empty energy cell. Take this from the
wall and climb the ladder. Show this energy cell to the turret and it
will rather casually fire at it, er, and you. When you regain your
bearings, at the bottom of the ladder, the energy cell will be on the
floor next to you, FULL! Return the energy cell to its socket, and you
should have stabilized the laser turret, and its mode will change to
'peace' green. Open the newly available door, and enter.
5. Metal Hell
Again, a third ship has been welded to this Debreen junk-heap, but due
to a misscalculation, the floor was placed thirty-feet lower than would
have been ideal. Falcon falls and destroys the only mobile robot in the
complex when he lands IN IT! When the dust settles, rip the pipe off
the wall and enter the open door to the right. In this dark room, take
the Optiwire and container hidden in the junk, use the pipe to crowbar
open the dome to steal the brain of the robot. Have a pleasant chat with
the active immobile robot, then nick his arm. Exit this spooky place
and return to the first metal room. Use the pipe to crowbar open the
door and enter. Have a chat with the guard robot, and when he starts to
bore you enter the adjoining open door. take the tape from the dispenser
and have a look at the dome. It needs repairing. Use the tape on the
optiwire to make a strong sticky wire. You can use this strong sticky
wire to reconnect the leads leading to the dome. Return to the guard
room and inform the robot he can have a break, but alas he has not moved
for so long he has rusted. Come to the rescue and return to the first
metal room. use the container to collect the oil from the right wall,
and give this to the guard robot. He will squeek his way to the rest
room for a very long vacation. Use the robot arm you stole from the
secuirty robot to activate the palm scanner near the gold door. The
doors will open and you can enter. Inside, a brainy blob on a pillar
greets you with kind words. Give him the brain you took from the other
robot and accept his advice, and return to the first metal room. Try
using the laserpen on the metal door on the north wall. The effort was
hopeful, but you will see your efforts fail. Return to the blob with
this news and he will replicate a device which will enable you to
charge your laserpen to full power. By returning to the metal door,
and firing the laser, you realise doing so would be dangerous. The
shiny surface would reflect the laser. Return to the guard room and
laser open a panel hidden in a slight indent on the north wall. Take
the sandpaper like substance and use it on the door to make it rough.
Now fire the laserpen to gain access to the next segment of the Debreen
6. The Huamin Conflict
An opportunity to relax and enjoy the comic lunacy of two crazy alien
ghostlings. Simply take the spangley object from the wall in the left
room from where you entered the maze, and continually talk from one
alien to the other, twisting the facts and conveying mis-information
to your new alien friends. Eventually they will destroy each other in
an invisible fight to the death. As the ghostlings disappear, so will
the obstruction and you can use the spangley key object on the floor
of the room with the eye. The eye will scan you and the door will
open, awaiting your eager entry.
7. Destination Debreen
Cross the spacewalk to the large doors and talk to the small sphere set
into the door. The centurion will not open the doors. Go to the right
and take the pole from the twisted piping. Go to the far left and have
a look at the junction box. Try using the pipe you collected from the
metal room to pull it off the wall and it will break under the pressure.
Now try the much stronger space metal of the Debreen, and watch the
junction box fall off the wall with ease. When you return to the gate,
a maintenance robot is busy finding the error, whicn you recently
created. He has had to open a small door to get partly outside, and you
get leap into the gap without the centurion looking. Once inside, make
your way through the sandy corridors until you reach a room with a
crater, and a metalic object imbedded in the ground. Look for a button
different from the rest and press it. The Debreen will be brought from
stasis, and revived. Unfortunately, you have left the space-port open
and have let out all the special air the Debreen need to breath. He
is slowly pleading for his life, so you must quiz him on how exactly to
close the door and return to the port you entered. Find the hidden
button by walking around the port-entrance and then press it. Return
to the crater room and follow the Debreen into the newly revealed
secret door to the his control center.
When you enter the room, a large wall mounted display shows in vivid
detail the evil sight a Medivian Nose. The nose, horrifically, being
firmly attatched to a battleship and in the mood for destruction. It
fires three plasma bolts simultaniously and rocks the entire Debreen
vessel. Talk to the Debreen and assess your situation, and reassess it!
Exit his patient abode, and continue right until you cannot progress
any further. Find the hidden door, and open it. Inside, you will
find a garbage bat, which opens in the barren void of space. You can
also see the real, unmagnified Medivian ship floating about. Take the
green orb from the garbage bay power system and place it in the small
Deldroneye Weapon on the floor. Using the small pressure socket, the
green orb will slot into place, and then run back to the Debreen
Control Center. Ask the Debreen to activate the Garbage system and it
will activate, instead, the powerful Deldroneye laser.
And as the passive Debreen seemed about to refuse the request, and in
a language Falcon understood well, the strange creature said, "OK...
Let's Fry'em!". No sooner had Falcons amusement formed a grin wider
than his own face, the Deldroneye laser was ripping across the small
distance to the Medivian ship...
...the rest of the story opened Falcons eyes to further truths about
the Relics Of Deldroneye, but you'll just have to complete the game and
read THAT for yourself.